The Pine Cone Council is very active in the life of the Catholic Church and the communities of Bangor, Brewer, Hampden, Hermon, Veazie, and Winterport. Our Knights attend the churches of the Parish of St. Paul the Apostle: St. Gabriel, Winterport; St. John, Bangor; St. Joseph, Brewer; St. Matthew, Hampden; St. Mary, Bangor; St. Teresa, Brewer.
Some of our projects include:
The Annual Tootsie Roll Drive: One of the best-known fundraisers of the Knights of Columbus across the country, the Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities (as it's known officially) solicits donations from the public and, in thanks, offers donors a candy bar, which is often a Tootsie Roll. For the service year 2010-2011, our Council was raised one of the highest amounts in the State.
Supporting the teens planning to go to World Youth Day, 2011 in Spain. One of our fundraisers for the teens was "Jazz on Winter's Morning," a brunch that provided music and a great meal to guests. We reprised this effort again in 2012, in preparation for the next World Youth Day.
Assisting with some of the activities at All Saints Catholic School. We generally provide an evening cookout for the school's Back-to-School picnic just before the start of the school year. We also do a cookout lunch for the kids on their Field Day in June.
Our Annual St. Patrick's Dinner, held close to St. Patrick's Day. While most of our activities support other causes, local, national, and international, this one supports our Council. Participants enjoy a traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner along with carrots, potatoes, and dessert.
Our Annual Golf Tournament: The proceeds of our Golf Tournament support seminarians and novices heeding the call to religious life. As of 2010, we have raised over $30,000 from the fourteen prior Golf Tournaments we've run. The 2012 event raised over $5300.
Here are the forms for the 2021 Tournament: Hole Sponsor Form | Sponsor Letter | Team Registration Form
Mass at the VA: Brother Knights have organized a Catholic Mass for residents of the Bangor VA on a monthly basis. We also regularly have a group that goes to Togus VA on a Sunday morning to assist veterans in attending Mass.
Soup Kitchen: Brother Knights regularly serve a meal at the Salvation Army in Bangor.
Prison Ministry: Members of our Council go to the Penobscot County Jail regularly on Sundays to provide Catholic services to the inmates.
Assisting with the Special Olympics: Many Knights come to the University of Maine - Orono campus to assist with the Special Olympics. As one of the Councils geographically close to the campus, many of our Brothers spend a day or more with the Special Olympics.
Organizing and running a Spaghetti Dinner: The purpose was to raise $900 so we can provide a cash Christmas present to each of the nine seminarians for the diocese. We are pleased to report that each of them will receive $100 for Christmas, 2011.
Assisting with the Open Hearts for Joan and Dave Community Fundraiser: Several of our Brother Knights helped with this community organized fundraiser to help some fellow parishioners.
Marching in the Bangor-Brewer 4th of July Parade for 2012: Sixty Knights and 20 of their wives were able to share a breakfast prepared by our Brother Knights prior to being in the Parade. 4th Degree Knights traveled from around the State of Maine to march and sing. In addition, the Pine Cone Council procured a flatbed trailer and assembled a mural of the Santa Maria as a float for the Parade. Fifteen Brother Knights from around the state were aboard the float singing a medley of patriotic songs throughout the Parade. Thirty-three 4th Degree Knights marched behind the float as a Color Guard of 13.
With all of the actvities that we do, it's important to know that, although we're working, we're also having a good time. We enjoy each other's friendship and camaraderie while supporting the greater goals and mission of the Knights of Columbus.
If you're a practicing Catholic man, 18 years of age or older, why not join us?